
  • 艺术教育
  • 2024年11月04日
  • 在过去的几十年里,艺术品作为一种投资工具逐渐崭露头角。随着全球经济增长和财富积累,越来越多的人开始将艺术品视为一种理财方式。但是,在这一领域中,传统的金融机构一直没有太大的参与,这主要因为艺术品交易通常涉及复杂的法律、税务以及风险评估等问题。 然而,2021年,一些大型银行开始改变这种状况。他们通过成立专门的部门或与现有的部门合作,将其进入了这片传统上属于私人收藏家和投机者的领域




首先,大型银行如瑞士UBS、法国巴黎巴黎銀行(BNP Paribas)等,都宣布成立了自己的艺委会。这意味着它们将直接从画廊、拍卖行或者甚至直接从艺术家那里购买作品,从而控制整个流程。此外,他们也提供了保管服务,为收藏者提供保险保障。


此外,banks also started to offer financing options for art purchases, making it easier for collectors to buy and hold onto their investments. This not only increased the number of transactions but also helped stabilize the market by providing a steady stream of capital.

Another significant development was the use of technology to streamline the process. Banks partnered with online platforms and auction houses to make buying and selling art more accessible and efficient. This allowed them to reach a wider audience, including those who might not have had access to these markets before.

Finally, banks also began to explore new ways of valuing art, moving away from traditional methods that relied heavily on historical sales data. They developed more sophisticated algorithms that took into account factors such as market trends, artist reputation, and cultural significance.

Overall, 2021 marked a turning point in the art market as banks became major players in both buying and selling artworks. Their involvement brought much-needed liquidity into the market, stabilizing prices while also opening up new opportunities for artists and collectors alike. As we look ahead into 2022 and beyond, it will be interesting to see how this trend continues to shape the future of our beloved art world.
