





背完了接着就是《药性歌括四百味》,当时背了,但现在我不一定还记得。四大药性赋我还能背,要我写我还能写下来。《药性歌括四百味》I just write not down, connect not together. This is the second book.

第三本书——《医学三字经》。要说明的是,我读的书都是抄来的,不是原版的。Firstly, there was no book to buy; secondly, I couldn't afford it. All were copied from my teacher's, copied with mistakes, my teacher corrected them, and then taught me again to read. Just like that.

The fourth book is 《脉诀》,including 《王叔和脉诀》and 《濒湖脉诀》two pulse classics. This is the third book.

The fifth and final book is 《医宗金鉴•四诊心法要诀》,which teaches diagnosis.

In summary, when I first studied Chinese medicine through hard copying and memorization of books on pharmacy (such as 局方), internal medicine (such as 伤寒论 and 金匮要略), and basic theory (such as 医学三字经).

Then I started learning prescriptions under the guidance of my teacher who was a master in ancient texts. First came Chen Shouxian's "Time-Fraction Prescriptions" which includes "Soup Head Songs" such as 藿香正气汤 ("Alisma Decoction for Clearing Away Pathogenic Heat") where I could recite all the ingredients: 蘇葉白芷共藿香;陳半茯苓大腹草;厚朴桔梗引枣姜。

Next came Chen Shouxian's "Prescription Marvels", which contains internal medicine texts such as 中風論 ("Treatise on Wind Patterns"). My teacher would teach me by heart while correcting any mistakes.

After mastering these basics through bitter study over several years in medical school at Hunan College of Chinese Medicine under teachers like Hu Dafeng who was an expert in classical literature from Qing dynasty times but also knowledgeable about modern medical science concepts.

So here are five key books that laid the foundation for my understanding of traditional Chinese medicine:

Four drug natures (雷公炮炙)

400 flavors song (藥性歌括)

Medical three-character classic (醫學三字經)

Pulse classics (_脈註)

Diagnostic principles of Golden Mirror (醫宗金鑒·診斷心法要註)
