“媒介”一直以进化的面貌出现,提出挑战并创造全新的可能性,在当下复杂的艺术媒介景观中,拥有显著历史的二维媒介仍被广泛地传续,同时跨学科技术加持的媒介也在为艺术表达的可能世界提供更多具体的解决方案,对于今天的mediareality不能以技术进步观主导下的简单新旧迭代来看待,可为艺术创作者采用的,是以往所诞生mediacollection式存在;在艺术认知中,曾经一度将mediaviewed as a tool,但今天在control theory原则下发展出的人工智能、神经科学、通信工程等更深入学科技术,在互联网技术加持下,社会运转系统转向多点互动、参与、连接、分享多中心机制,在或已经塑造了我们当下的可感现实,它像弥漫空气中玄妙氛围,隐匿又无处不在,一旦你想要触碰,便立刻散入那些具体学科之中,无迹可寻。同时人工智能等技术创造性兴起,也给人类智能带来了恐慌和伦理担忧。是该赞美还是批判抑或调和之下的共存?mediainvolves in what way participate into artist's thinking system, what changed and what is the constant existence?
This exhibition by new spirit of perception, silent performance, computer life three sections attempts to observe the perspective of media in artistic practice, touch on creators facing such complex technical reality in artistic creation process against media history and characteristics. It involves renewal of language for so-called old media, expansion of artistic expression space and concern dimensions, as well as allegory and reflection on future technology.
The exhibition takes six young artists including Geng Xue, Pu Yingwei, Wang Yuyang Wu Ziyang Qi Yu Hong’s works as research samples. Each artist's work involves different media thinking and expressing dimensions which reflects the multiple complexities status of today's art creative experience. The artists from their medium working methods start with text image video etc., build a comprehensive experience space domain through visual features of mediums hoping to observe how artists express their perceptual experiences from different medium characteristics.
Art pursues an individual experiential meaning world; "media" and art between relationship reflection discussion create artist through technology "disenchantment" & "glow" continuously explore borrowing technology open up new spaces for cognitive world also building up shared real together find stairs to meaning world.
Exhibition Information
Cultural Tourism Department 2021 National Art Museum Youth Curator Support Plan selected project
Text Code Perception Echo
— Three Media Perspectives in Artistic Practice
Exhibition Time: February 26th - March 23rd 2023
Exhibition Venue: Central Academy Fine Arts College Gallery Hall4th floor
Exhibition Director: Zhang Zikang Han WenChao
Academic Advisor: Li Jun
Curator: Wang Jing
Participating Artists : Geng Xue Pu YingWei Qi Yu Wang Yuyang Wu ZiYang