在香港邦瀚斯的春季拍卖会上,举世瞩目的文少励家族中国当代艺术旧藏将迎来一次全新的展现。这次专场共展示15件作品,其中包括一些顶尖佳作,见证了中国当代艺术在90年代至2000年代走向国际舞台的重要时刻。其中最引人注目的是曾梵志博物级画作《面具 2000 第3号》,这是一次首次公开展出的极其珍贵之作。本次拍卖中部分收益将捐赠给香港癌症基金会。
本次拍卖非常荣幸能邀请亚洲现代与当代艺术部主管关尚鹏与文惠贤 Nicole Schoeni 对话,她分享了父親收藏之道,这一视频将后续在邦瀚斯视频号发布,敬请期待!
预展日期为5月24日至27日,上午10点至下午6点;拍卖日期为5月27日 下午3点,在香港邦瀚斯拍卖中心举行。
曾梵志 - 《面具 2000 第3号》 oil on canvas, 180 x 150 cm, created in the year of 2000, estimated price: HK$15 million - HK$25 million.
This piece is a rare and significant work from the "Mask Series" by Zhang Xiaogang. The series has been ongoing for over ten years, with each work exploring and changing the same theme. The late period (1997-2004) works have shown significant changes in composition and brushwork styles, as well as an unprecedented richness in color variation. This piece not only ranks among the largest single portrait works within the "Mask Series," but also stands out as one of the finest Chinese contemporary art pieces within Manfred Ludwig Schoeni's family collection.
曾梵志 - 《三年级一班 第2号》 oil on canvas, 48 x 38 cm, created in the year of 1996, estimated price: HK$1.2 million - HK$2 million.
Another notable piece by Zhang Xiaogang is "Class III Grade One Student No.2." Created in 1996, this painting belongs to his early important creative series titled "Class III Grade One Student," which comprises thirty-two works depicting his classmates wearing red scarves symbolizing collectivism.
刘小东 - 《形影不离》 oil on canvas,100 x 73 cm., created in the year of 1991., estimated price:HK $25000000 – HK $45000000
The period spanning from the nineties to two thousand was a crucial time for China's contemporary art development during which Liu Dan was hailed as a rising star known for capturing everyday life's simplicity through abstract means. His artwork 'Liu Dan Self Portrait' showcases Liu Dan not only portraying himself but also his wife who is also an artist creating a unique self-portrait that combines both artists' perspectives while reflecting their relationship beautifully.
4.Wang Yidong -《黄昏》 charcoal on paper ,53 ×38cm.,createdintheyearof1993.,estimatedprice:HK $180000 – HK $280000
Wang Yide represents classic realism style with precise oil painting techniques and delicate strokes depicting rural beauty with gracefulness like Vermeer’s girl holding pearls earrings .She holds an oil lamp carefully protecting something precious.The girl turns her head towards us full of emotion yet mystery ,which makes you lost yourself into it .