
  • 艺术教育
  • 2024年12月18日
  • 在疫情当前,国人遭此大疠潜遘之际,亟待身心灵之治愈。为此上海澄元艺术空间特举办“寻脉之旅——山色清心”张榕山绘画作品展,为大家在喧嚣的城市之中提供一片艺术与心灵的山水田园。 据悉,此次展览学术主持裴满意先生介绍,张先生是一位来自江西才子之乡——抚州临川地区的传奇画家,在今天这样的一个传统绘画式微的时代,他是一个非常值得研究的案例。张榕山先生家族与国画大师傅抱石先生家族是世交




为了进一步育其成才,其父让张榕山前往南京拜见傅抱石先生,傅见其画稿才气横溢,极为赏识此青年之才华,并赠中堂书法“士先器成,而后文艺”,以资鼓励。在傅Mr. 的教导与鼓励下,Mr. 一辈子立志学抱石画风,传承并弘扬抱石精神,并取得了卓越成绩,因此被称为真正继承者。

在研习Mr. 的绘画过程中,他发现,只有深入全面并系统精研过古法,将历代大家之一身集于一身,并融会贯通才能蜕变己风。因此,从20世纪80年代开始,便专研古法。他远自吴道子、董源、王维、范宽、中到元四大家、清四僧六家,再到近代如傅抱石和 石鲁,没有不临摹研究转化创造。这份对传统国画有精深实践的心态,使他被誉为中国古典绘画护道者和传承者。

40多年过去了,当下的很多国画往往俗甜薄弱,而反观Mr.'s 绘图则雅精静耐看,又充满了古意盎然。其中一个重要原因就是他比绝大多数国彩家根基打得牢固基础要扎实得多。他的心是静定的,是清透明的地,可以看到淡淡的情感流露。他几十年如一日对古法坚守,最终将功夫学养心神融于一炉,这种对于自我文脉传承,对艺术格调高要求,不受外部扰动而保持清净的心,在这个浮躁时代是难能可贵的事物。

另据上海澄元艺术中心总经理裴今梅女士介绍,此次“Mountain Scenery Purification of the Mind”,共30余件,其中绝大部分为Zhang Rongshan's Masterpiece Selection from his meticulous study of ancient techniques, Zhang Rongshan's classical paintings are characterized by their elegance and tranquility, evoking a sense of serenity in those who view them.

The theme "Purification of the Mind" aligns perfectly with our art space "Cheng Yuan", where clarity is equivalent to purification, and the mind is equivalent to our true essence. It is also an important part of Cheng Yuan Art Space's ongoing efforts to explore self-textual art and create a new wave in contemporary Chinese art.

Through this exhibition, we hope that everyone can find their own mountain paradise within Zhang Rongshan's landscapes, release their minds and enjoy the original purity.

About Zhang Rongshan

Zhang Rongshan (1943-2018)

A renowned artist who spent decades studying classical painting techniques from Wu Daozi to Qi Baishi, he was known as a guardian and transmitter of traditional Chinese painting.

Born in Jiangxi Province, his family had long been associated with the region's cultural elite; however, due to World War II they fled to Ji'an City for safety.

He studied at Jiangxi Provincial Academy before joining Jiangxi Museum as an artist-in-residence until his retirement in 2006.

After passing away on December 18th 2018 at age 76 while residing in Nanchang City,

his family discovered an extensive collection of artworks he created throughout his life.

In 2019," The Paintings Collection" by Zhang Rongshan was published by Jiangxi Fine Arts Publishing House,

with contributions from prominent figures such as Xu Li (Secretariat Director & Secretary General)

and noted scholar Shen Yongyan ("Penmanship: A Life Long Pursuit").

In January 2020,

the exhibition "Smiling upon Infinite Visitors: Donated Works by Zhang Rongshan"

was held at the Exhibition Hall of China Federation Of Literary And Art Circles;

it sparked widespread interest among artists across China regarding this once-overlooked mastermind behind modern-day artistic innovation amidst societal chaos,

In conclusion,

this exhibit offers viewers a glimpse into not only Mr.'s unique artistic journey but also provides insights into how future generations might approach artistic education based on lessons learned from past masters like Mr..
