
  • 艺术热点
  • 2025年01月28日
  • 5月18日,济南考古馆展出了一批精美的唐三彩艺术品。摄于2022年,元代“济南王”张荣家族墓地、樊家遗址等考古发掘项目已经完成初步修复和整理工作,并在“5·18国际博物馆日”期间在济南考古馆正式对外展示。这些文物的展出,不仅为公众提供了一个了解历史与文化的平台,也为学术研究提供了宝贵的资料。 元代“济南王”张荣家族墓地是中国目前发现的一级别最高、附属建筑最多、文字资料最丰富的元代墓葬



元代“济南王”张荣家族墓地是中国目前发现的一级别最高、附属建筑最多、文字资料最丰富的元代墓葬,它们被评选为2022年度中国重要考古发现,并入围了同年的六大考古新发现名单。在这次发掘中, archaeologists discovered a wide variety of ceramics, including many exquisite pieces of celadon glaze pottery. These findings are significant for the study of both Southern Song and Yuan dynasty ceramics.

According to Mr. Guo Junfeng, the director of the Jining City Archaeological Research Institute, this exhibition also features ceramic bowls, cups, basins, jade wine jugs, and porcelain incense burners unearthed from the tomb site. "The ceramics that have been unearthed are extremely beautiful and diverse," he explained. "They include wares from several different kilns such as Jingdezhen and Zhongtai." One particularly rare piece is a double-fish-pattern basin with an intact design that showcases the grandeur style characteristic of Yuan dynasty pottery.

Furthermore, Zhang Rong was posthumously granted the title "King of Jining" due to his status as de facto leader in Yuan Dynasty Jining. His tomb is currently considered to be China's largest-scale complex structure with rich wall paintings found within its walls so far in terms of size complexity and richness in wall paintings among all Ming dynasty tombs found domestically since then.

In addition to these artifacts from Zhang Rong's tomb site, this exhibition also displays images featuring brick carvings from other sites during the same era. These intricate carvings not only reflect a high economic development level but also convey information about Mongol-Han cultural integration at that time period.

Lastly but not leastly important part were displayed Tang tri-color glazed earthenware unearthed by M49 Tang Dynasty Zhu Man Tomb at Batang Cemetery Site which has been recognized as one major discovery in Shandong Province up until now for its quantity richest collection most complete form most exquisite craftsmanship ever seen before

"The range includes maid servant figures male servants eunuchs barbarian soldiers livestock ox carts etc., providing direct insight into life scenes enjoyed by high-ranking officials," said Guo Junfang regarding these finds.

Moreover there were 20+ white-glazed ceramic items excavated along with one box containing a coffin inscription - which contributes significantly towards understanding evolution patterns & tracing back history between West Jin Dynasty till Tang Era pertaining to ancient city called Jinling situated within current day Jining City

Apart from displaying numerous coins collected through years' worth excavation works sorted chronologically according to their historical periods spanning across Qin Han dynasties right down through Song Gold Ming Qing eras allowing visitors easily witness two millennia long journey taken by copper money