
  • 艺术热点
  • 2024年07月30日
  • 作品名称:记忆拼图1 作品分类:摄影 创作年代:2017 作品尺寸:尺寸可变 作品材质:纸本拼图、影像(4分19秒) 作品描述 我的毕业作品从我自身的经历出发,根据我外婆所患的阿兹海默症(老人痴呆)的患病状态与病征,以回忆为线索制作出模拟她患病后记忆状态的“记忆拼图”。我选取了我们家不同年代的家庭照片作为拼图的素材,打散,重新拼接,就像一幅时间与空间混乱了的记忆网络








我的毕业作品从我自身的经历出发,根据我外婆所患的阿兹海默症(老人痴呆)的患病状态与病征,以回忆为线索制作出模拟她患病后记忆状态的“记忆拼图”。我选取了我们家不同年代的家庭照片作为拼图的素材,打散,重新拼接,就像一幅时间与空间混乱了的记忆网络。Explanation on the work: My graduation work starts from my own experience that I create a “memory puzzle”that mimicked the state of her memory according to my grandmothers condition of alzheimers disease and the clue of my memories.I take family photos from different generations of our family as the material for the puzzle and I shatter them then reassemble like a chaotic memory network of time and space


导师评语:彭倩欣的作品来于自身日常生活的体悟。家人患阿兹海默症后,所体现出来的病症成为作者不得不近距离反复观看和回忆的镜像。记忆中经常出现的重复和选择,忘却和追忆,一次次的出走和未遂,合理与不再合理……家庭日常中的这一切成为作者的线索与素材,再次组装,不断打散,重新拼接,就像时空反复错位的记忆切片。作者以一种朴实的创作方式回应自己的情感世界,在重合叠加的拼图过程中,你或许找到了其中一部分,却遗失了另一部分。Evaluation of Mentor: Her work is based on experience from her normal daily life. One of her family got Alzheimers disease. And the symptom is the mirror which the writer has to watch and recall repeatedly and closely.What appears in the memory includes: repeat and select, forget and remember,runaway and get back again and again, reasonable and no longer reasonable, and etc. Everything happened in the daily life provide clues and materials for the writer. She re-assembles, breaks up constantly and then splice, just like memory fragments with disturbing time and space constantly. The writer reflects her own motion experience by a simple creative way. You may find some parts, but lost other parts during the overlapping and overlaying puzzling process.

彭倩欣,2017年 / 广州美术学院 / 实验艺术系
