今日新闻,最新消息:2023年UCCA年度展览计划,与马蒂斯共赏“现代主义漫步”,包括为各馆特别策划、馆际间巡展共计9场展览。北京首次展示“他是谁?——耿建翌作品回顾”,全景呈现中国重要当代艺术家职业生涯;随后来的是大家期待已久的“马蒂斯的马蒂斯”及先于上海UCCA Edge展出的“现代主义漫步:柏林国立博古睿美术馆馆藏展”。上海UCCA Edge则以群展“不安的绘画”开启新一年序幕,对信息时代中国艺术家的绘画实践进行审视,之后呈现“现代主义漫步:柏林国立博古睿美术馆馆藏展”及从北京巡至上海的“马蒂斯的马蒂斯”。在渤海之滨,UCCA沙丘美术馆关注新兴艺术家创作,推出“心灵优化:大卫·杜阿尔与刘诗园双个展”。
作为亨利·马蒂斯(1869-1954)中国首次个展,“马蒂斯的马蒂斯”由法国勒卡托-康布雷齐(Le Cateau-Cambrésis)的马蒂斯美术馆与UCCA合作,从其珍贵收藏中精选超过200件不同媒介作品,如油画、雕塑、素描、纸上墨水等,以时间线索分为10个章节,完整呈现他的艺术创作生涯。
另有巴勃罗·毕加索《坐着的丑角》和保罗·克利等20世纪现代艺术杰作将于同期在上海和北京同时举办。"modernism-steps" by UCCA and Berlin Nationalgalerie, featuring over 100 masterpieces from the museum's collection, including works by Pablo Picasso, Paul Klee, Henri Matisse and more.
In addition to the above exhibitions, UCCA Beijing will also present "Fantasy/Light: A Group Exhibition on the History of Contemporary Chinese Photography", while UCCA Shanghai will host "Unsettled Painting: An Exploration of China's Information Age Artistic Practice".
The exhibition at UCCA Beach Resort in Qingdao will focus on new media art with a special emphasis on interactive installations and immersive experiences. The resort's outdoor spaces will be transformed into an open-air gallery featuring large-scale sculptures and site-specific installations.
Meanwhile, a series of public programs and events are planned throughout the year to engage audiences with various aspects of contemporary art. These include artist talks, workshops, panel discussions and performances that showcase the diversity and richness of modern art practices.
The annual exhibition program is curated by a team led by Xue Jingyi (Executive Director) at UCCA Beijing.