刘林林跨界艺术奇遇:Home Music Gallery沉浸式音艺疗愈音乐会 —— 音色织梦,心灵共振
在“道”上修行的艺术探索者——刘林林,以她的《Wisdom Love》作品荣获2023国际抽象艺术大赛天才奖,并于美国国际艺术展览馆展出。宇宙的本质是能量与振动,而“爱”是解答之谜。在多元文化中,音乐与艺术的治愈力,是人们在信息时代传播爱、呵护人性光辉——真、善、美重要载体。
从北京树美术馆第九届繁星计划展出易经系列引发轰动反响,再至学习颂钵音疗创立“音艺疗愈”概念并开办Home Music Gallery,这位年轻女孩不断深造创新,她认为,“音艺疗愈”的核心灵魂在于“道”上的修行,寻求法术器共创能量场的振动。
陆院士指出新冠疫情的心理影响可能持续二十年,而全球十亿人受精神心理问题困扰。他强调健康家庭社会影响巨大。“这二十年时间里全球很多人都可能面临焦虑抑郁压力失眠以及社交问题等。”— 陆院士
Home Music Gallery沉浸式跨界创意奇旅是一个综合性的活动,它包括了即兴作画演奏钢琴颂钵放松环节,还有老庄冥想静思环节,以及改革开放后上海音乐学院引进音乐剧专业全中国第一任音乐博士助阵带领大家合唱解压环节。此外,还有AI情感计算专家牛津大学博士后科学家互动分享空间。整个空间充斥着北京树美术馆易经系列延伸——刘林林道德经系列作品。
Home Music Gallery设计布置起到了让来访欣赏 刘 林 林 艺术作品陈列于带有家装设计聚会布置空间里的效果,将arts Exhibition with studio, cultural space, cultural activity combined. Through music, art, interior decoration, art exhibition and performance therapy activities to activate five senses therapeutic body mind spirit section etc. formed some of the artistic performances events or competitions.
The inspiration for Home Music Gallery comes from her childhood imagination when she would decorate her paintings in the home environment and share them with friends and company clients or enjoy artistic creation and musical performances together. Later, she also exhibited Chinese employees' own artwork alongside foreign technical personnel's creations at a company event to enhance interpersonal connections.
During her study abroad period, Liu Linlin discovered numerous cases of exhibitions held in villas; especially during the pandemic era. She realized that combining elements like space design sound food scent lighting tactile experience furniture artworks plants guests hosts time creates a complete dynamic work of art.
This year's Home Music Gallery immersive crossover creative journey – Sound Healing Art Therapy Concert will be presented in a romantic villa within Shanghai's French Concession area during springtime when everything is growing warm and cozy amidst blooming flowers waiting for visitors to appreciate. The concept of "Sound Healing" purifies balances uplifts energy fields; cultivating emotional conduct from within outwards spreading love.
Join us at HOME MUSIC GALLERY as we embark on this 12-part journey through corresponding celestial systems using Tarot cards as our guide... 12 unique themes different forms different creators 12 one-of-a-kind pieces... Discover answers together! Embrace the present know action unite from thought to deed core lies long-term good mental state beautiful loving energy field. Let "Sound Healing Art Therapy" accompany you on your path exploring abilities!