
  • 艺术市场
  • 2025年02月24日
  • 近期,英国高等教育评估机构(QS)公布了全球大学学科排名的最新榜单。在这个排行榜上,清华大学的土木工程和电气工程专业,以及北京大学的语言学专业都名列其中。同济大学艺术设计学院此次亮相,也在艺术领域乃至整个教育界引发了一片热议。 全国政协委员、雅昌文化集团董事长万捷先生 lately pointed out that although China has attached more



全国政协委员、雅昌文化集团董事长万捷先生 lately pointed out that although China has attached more importance to aesthetic education in recent years, there is still a long way to go in terms of overall effectiveness. This is particularly evident at the university level, where non-art majors do not have the opportunity to take "College Art" courses as part of their regular curriculum. Most of what schools do is focused on increasing employment rates after graduation, completely disregarding the significance of art education in students' personal growth. Therefore, Mr. Wan Jie suggested that colleges and universities should prioritize enhancing students' visual literacy by incorporating "College Art" courses into their basic curriculum for non-art majors with the aim of cultivating students' appreciation for beauty and inner qualities.

The importance of aesthetic education was emphasized by Lu Xun who said that "Art can serve morality; though its purpose does not always align with morality, it can nonetheless influence people's nature and tastes, elevate people's preferences, and thus serve moral governance." Aesthetic education plays an insidious role in shaping students' character. According to Mr. Wan Jie, art as a fundamental course in quality-oriented education mainly relies on its aesthetic appeal and ambiance to inspire students' love for beauty and enjoyment from which they develop affection for art classes thereby cultivating their sense of aesthetics within them through artistic experiences. Students learning art can refine themselves morally thus partly controlling the spread of undesirable habits among them.

In today's society driven by knowledge development where artistic literacy will be an essential component part of talent quality culture studies including aesthetics will become a hub or research focus area at this intersection point between arts disciplines Mr.Wan believes no tree grows without roots nor water flows without source Aesthetic cultivation ultimately depends on our joint efforts developing fine arts education In China’s foundational fine arts educational endeavors we shall lead trends with grace & rich educational achievements contributing our glorious chapter onto global history books devotedly writing down stories about Chinese cultural legacies eternally cherished within us all
