
  • 艺术展览
  • 2024年11月23日
  • 在中国的悠久历史长河中,“血淬中华”这一概念如同一道璀璨的光芒,照亮了民族复兴的道路。在这个过程中,不仅是英雄们的鲜血铸就了辉煌,也是无数普通人的牺牲和奉献。今天,我们要讲述的是那些以实际行动证明了“血淬中华”精神的人们。 从古至今,无数先烈为国家、民族奋斗到最后一口气,他们所体现出的忠诚与勇气,是我们每个中国人都应该学习和传承的。比如,抗日战争时期,李宗仁将军不顾个人安危,以身作则,为国捐躯






"Blood and sweat of the Chinese nation" is not just a phrase, but a spirit that has been passed down through generations. It is the spirit of our ancestors who fought for their country with their lives, it is the spirit of our people who have contributed to the development of China with their blood and sweat.

From ancient times to today, countless heroes have died for their country, leaving behind an indelible mark on history. They are people like Li Zongren, who risked his life to fight against Japan during World War II; Peng Dehuai, who led his troops into enemy territory during the War of Liberation.

But there are also many ordinary people whose contributions may not be as well-known. In the early years after China's founding, intellectuals returned from abroad and started businesses in rural areas using only their hands to till fields and grow crops; in recent decades entrepreneurs used wisdom and hard work to turn small businesses into big ones.

In this year's COVID-19 pandemic response efforts every medical worker and community volunteer embodies this spirit. They fearlessly faced danger to protect others; they sweated over every task for others' sake; they watered hope with every drop of sweat so that everyone around them could see a beautiful picture painted by love and tenacity - a picture representing China.

So let us remember these stories about "blood-tainted Chinese soil." Let us honor those who gave everything for our nation including themselves. And let us strive to continue building a better future for ourselves by following in their footsteps.
