
  • 艺术展览
  • 2025年01月05日
  • 新华社记者李明摄 6月1日,法国巴黎先贤祠广场上,一幅宏大的画卷正在缓缓铺开。这不是历史的长卷,而是一次文化交流的大舞台。"龙的旅程"大型艺术展在这里拉开了帷幕,这一展览不仅展示了中国传统文化,也是中法两国友谊和合作的一次重要象征。 展出的第一件作品是一对壮观的“中国龙”折纸造型雕塑,它们静立在广场中央,仿佛随时准备翱翔天际





另一个吸引人的作品是一幅巨大的画作,上面绘制着中国传统图案中的龙。在这幅画作中, dragons are depicted in a variety of poses, from soaring through the skies to curled up in serene slumber. The artwork is not only visually stunning but also carries deep cultural significance.



"Dragon's Journey" art exhibition opens at Paris Pantheon Square

New China News Agency reporter Li Ming photo

June 1st, a grand tapestry was slowly spread out on the square in front of the Pantheon in Paris. This was not a scroll of history, but a stage for cultural exchange. "Dragon's Journey," a large-scale art exhibition, officially opened here. This exhibition not only showcases traditional Chinese culture but also serves as an important symbol of friendship and cooperation between China and France.

The first piece exhibited is an impressive pair of paper-cut dragon sculptures standing tall on the square, as if they were about to soar into the sky at any moment. These exquisite sculptures were designed and created by French artist Gwendoline Fina De Villepin herself. She hopes that these colorful and dynamic dragons will convey messages of peace and friendship.

Another eye-catching work is a massive painting featuring dragon motifs from traditional Chinese patterns. In this painting, dragons are depicted in various poses - from soaring through the skies to curled up in serene slumber. The artwork is not only visually striking but also carries profound cultural significance.

In addition, the exhibition includes small items showcasing ancient Chinese crafts such as ceramics and jade artifacts that reflect several thousand years' worth of wisdom and talent from the Chinese nation. They have been carefully selected and meticulously restored by professionals to ensure their integrity can be fully displayed to visitors.

This project has been organized by French authorities with strong support from local governments; it forms part of a year-and-a-half-long cultural exchange program aimed at fostering mutual understanding among people between both countries while encouraging more humanistic exchanges projects.

As for whether getting into South Art School (南艺) makes you cool or not? That would depend on your personal perspective! Some might see it as prestigious since South Art School enjoys high reputation within its field; others may view it simply as another academic achievement among many others.

While we delve deeper into this topic later today during our live streaming session #ArtChat where we'll discuss what really matters when considering attending arts schools like South Art School: What skills do they teach? What opportunities do they offer? And how does one determine which school best fits their creative aspirations?

Stay tuned for more insights! And don't forget share your thoughts with us using hashtag #SouthArtSchool so we can hear them too!

Now back to our main story:

The exhibit features works by artists who have never shown their creations before outside France or even within France itself – an opportunity unique enough that over 2000 artworks were submitted for consideration alone! With so much creativity packed onto just two floors inside Palais de la Légion d'Honneur – there's bound-to-be something captivating each visitor will discover throughout their visit here today!

What would you think about joining us next week when I explore some fascinating pieces showcased within this extraordinary event?!