
  • 艺术展览
  • 2025年02月05日
  • 克莱尔·特伯莱与巴勃罗·毕加索的艺术对话:在波舍鲁工作室的共鸣 在法国吉索尔波舍鲁(Gisors Boisgeloup)的巴勃罗·毕加索(Pablo Picasso)艺术工作室,艺术家克莱尔·特伯莱(Claire Tabouret)展开了她的第二部分展览,“克莱尔·特伯莱:你的无动于衷让我落泪”。这次展览紧接着她在画廊巴黎空间的第一次个展,延续了2018年9月8日至10月6日之间的展示



在法国吉索尔波舍鲁(Gisors Boisgeloup)的巴勃罗·毕加索(Pablo Picasso)艺术工作室,艺术家克莱尔·特伯莱(Claire Tabouret)展开了她的第二部分展览,“克莱尔·特伯莱:你的无动于衷让我落泪”。这次展览紧接着她在画廊巴黎空间的第一次个展,延续了2018年9月8日至10月6日之间的展示。第二部分不仅展示了特伯莱首次用石膏创作的雕塑作品,还邀请观众探索摔跤手们独有的世界。

以石膏这一材料,即毕加索曾经常使用的一种材料,特伯莱创作了一系列雕塑,其中包括两尊拥抱的人像《抑止》(2018)。这些作品象征着物理上的矛盾与焦灼,这些概念是特伯莱对于摔跤手形象塑造中的核心主题。同时,这些作品也体现了克莱尔·特伯レビISIONS she had of Pablo Picasso, an important figure in her own artistic journey.

The exhibition also featured a selection of sculptures, paper works, and one painting displayed in the artist studio and church located in Boisgeloup, which was purchased by Picasso in 1930. As a response to this significant figure, Claire Tabouret conceived her own works and the title of the exhibition, gaining inspiration from its double meaning.

All the paper works were monotype prints. After drawing on glass with oil paint and then pressing it onto paper to absorb some of the ink, Tabouret would apply another layer of oil paint on top of already dyed transparent glass. This creative process resulted in an image language that complements her paintings: questioning repetition whether intentional or accidental.

Born in 1981, Tabouret currently lives and works between Paris and Los Angeles. She depicts groups of young people, makeup-clad girls as well as historical figures such as Agnes Martin and Robert Walser through portraits gradually establishing her artistic signature. Through layers covering up or revealing each other within heavy colors' depictioning different age groups' various characters they seem to question this era's everything with their gaze.

As Thévenin Dalton put it "Tabouret's artistic creation builds tension between classical art, Rococo , Neo-classicism , Romanticism , Fauvism , Realism , Modernism & Postmodernism - seeking continuity while emphasizing dissolving boundaries between styles like granite rock's quartz vein."

In her figurative oils paints drawings & sculptures she continually examines identity issues observing childhood mysteries including solitary individuals within group settings while later participating exhibitions such as "By Fire Ceramic Works".