在香港邦瀚斯的春季拍卖中,将展示文少励家族珍贵的中国当代艺术旧藏,这些作品将参与第十四届全国美展征稿启事,展现了90年代至2000年代中国当代艺术走向国际舞台的重要时刻。其中,曾梵志的博物级佳作《面具 2000 第3号》将首次公开面世,是一件极为珍稀的作品。本次拍卖部分收益将捐赠给香港癌症基金会。此收藏源自文少励家族,对于建立中国当代艺术收藏有着深厚兴趣。
本次拍卖还邀请亚洲现代与当代艺术部主管关尚鹏与文惠贤 Nicole Schoeni 对话,分享文少励收藏之道。影片第二部分将在邦瀚斯视频号上发布,敬请期待!
香港邦瀚斯2023年春季拍卖 “文少励旧藏 — 再寻中国当代经典”专场预展日期为5月24日至27日,上午10点至下午6点;拍卖日期为5月27日 下午3点,在香港邦瀚斯拍卖中心举行。
曾梵志 《面具 2000 第3号》 oil on canvas, 180 × 150 cm, created in the year of 2000, estimated at HK$15,000,000 – HK$25,000,000.
刘小东 《形影不离》 oil on canvas, 100 × 73 cm, created in the year of 1991, estimated at HK$2.5 million – HK$4.5 million.
刘炜 《你喜欢我吗?系列33号》 oil on canvas with nails (30 × 40 cm), created in the year of 1996 and exhibited in "8+8-1:15 Contemporary Oil Painters" held by Manfred Schoeni Gallery in Hong Kong in June-July of that year.
王沂东 《黄昏》 charcoal drawing on paper (53 ×38 cm), created in the year of1993 and is a representative work from China's Realism school.
邱志杰 《标准体相之一》 oil on canvas (150 ×150 cm), created in the year of1996 and is a complex visual world where black gray white colors are intertwined to blur boundaries between figures or backgrounds.
These artworks will be showcased as part of an exclusive exhibition featuring works from Manfred Ludwig Schoeni's family collection at Bonhams Hong Kong this spring season as they seek to participate in the Fourteenth National Art Exhibition Call for Entries