"我们的核心使命是将艺术和文化带给更广泛的亚洲群体。” 苏富比亚洲区董事总经理 洛嘉熙(Nathan Drahi) "我们在香港落户之初,区内藏家主要把目标放在中国艺术,那跟他们的文化根源一脉相承。当时的艺术市场规模也很小。如今,亚洲发展蓬勃,已成为世界上其中一个规模庞大的市场,占全球营业额的36%,藏家的兴趣也从中国艺术延伸到西方和亚洲艺术,跨门类收藏成为趋势。”
公司领导层目标一致,他们不仅追求销售数字,还秉承苏富比不安于墨守成规的心态,不断开辟新境界,如推出创新的销售形式和线上体验。例如,在传统拍卖之外,还有Buy Now网上平台,让藏家全年任何时候都能以固定价格购买艺术品和奢侈品。
Asian collectors are reshaping the art market, and their spending on luxury goods accounts for 40% of the global total. The top 10 most expensive items sold at auction in 2022 included five luxury items, such as a pink diamond that set a world record for per-carat price.
"We have played an important role in shaping the international influence of Asian collectors." - 林宛嫺, Chairman of Sotheby's Asia
"The reason why our clients come to Sotheby's is because we have an international reputation and professional knowledge." - 林宛嫺
Sotheby's has been leading the Chinese art market for over two decades, with sales growing by more than tenfold since Franck Suignard joined the company. Over time, Sotheby's has expanded its offerings to include prehistoric and contemporary art from around the world.
In recent years, Hong Kong has become a hub for auctions of Chinese ceramics and works of art. In April this year, Sotheby's sold $16.4 billion worth of Chinese artworks in Hong Kong alone.
The sale included Zhang Daqian's "Flowers Bloom Ten Zhan Shadow," which fetched $32 million; Wang Yuping bought Zhang Yongzhen Doctoral Degree Seal Enamel Cup Spring Swallow Dish for $25 million.
"Asian clients see us as synonymous with professionalism, innovation and heritage," said Frédéric de Narp (仇国仕), who oversees China operations at Sotheby’s Hong Kong. "We've had tremendous growth over the past quarter century."
Over time, Sotheby’s has adapted to changes in technology. It now offers virtual exhibitions and online bidding platforms to cater to new generations of collectors who prefer digital channels.
"We're committed to using all sorts of platforms – audio guides, virtual tours – even live-streamed auctions," said Qian Jin (钱进), managing director at China operations at Sothebys'.