
  • 艺术资讯
  • 2025年02月02日
  • 美术的价值与意义:雷的椅子,心象世界的自由表述 文 / 田敬红 2017年,《客厅》系列,是雷在沉寂的岁月里,对生活深思熟虑。在她的创作思想阐释中所涉及到的“天机”论断,与古之“圣人立象以尽意”的道理相通。艺术家一旦开口说画,艺术表现便失去了无限可能,形象思维的想象空间也被逻辑思维所压缩,更何况人的意识境界、情感体验、以及技艺往往是言不能尽意。 关爱——ET色粉75cm×55cm 2017年6月



文 / 田敬红


关爱——ET色粉75cm×55cm 2017年6月


黑椅和独凳——色粉50cm×70cm 2017年2月


立夏——色粉55cm×75cm 2017年5月


漂浮——色粉55cm×75cm 2017年6月


时间——色粉55cm×75cm 2017年5月


无——色粉75cm×55cm 2017年6月



无花果袭击——色粉75cm×55cm 2017年6月



虚空生长——50x70 cm, June.17th,

In the artistic expression, the artist uses realistic techniques to enhance the recognition of painting language and symbolic techniques to organize emotional logic between images. This way, it is easier to wake up the self-awareness of viewers and give symbols in works their own feelings.

From an art appreciation perspective, this series aims to construct a unique mode of understanding for artistic experiences. This mode not only reflects the uniqueness but also one of the important values of these artworks. Combining with Lei's creation experiences, we find that she seems always wanted viewers involved in her creations, making them part of her works' composition.

Each piece in "Living Room" series is telling a philosophical story through imagery language while maintaining mysterious relationships between symbolic images. It is clear that intuitive interpretation cannot reach the artist's initial intention; rational thinking must be used for analysis and judgment.

Thus understanding these artworks requires more than just looking at them with our eyes; it demands involvement from our hearts and minds as well.

Different aesthetic subjects feel differently about what they see: some notice comedy while others spot tragedy; some see mythology or fairy tales depending on how they interpret each symbol.

The air exuding from paintings carries a sensitivity peculiar to women - sensitive perception and neurotic tendencies which evoke memories from personal life experience when observing flowers, fruits, animals or mushrooms - such as relating water creatures like jellyfish with birth-related associations or recalling moments so poignant they remain etched in memory forever.

If viewed from what these artworks mean to Lei herself,

Lei’s "Living Room" series has helped her establish an ethical system specific to her own artwork.

As Lei continues refining her life experience and adjusting value systems,

she needs reflection on new lifestyles trends aesthetics academic ideas moral standards etc., all under support by personal ethics,

to build an ethical system belonging solely to herself – impacting future artistic cognition creativity interpretation judgment alike.

Lei is a serious artist who often expresses encounters within life through painting.

These exhibitions are like windows revealing recent thought processes alongside concurrent learning achievements – almost self-satisfied serene delighting expectations set by those who view them deeply enough.

Of course,

a long river flowing still expects perseverance breakthroughs ahead.

