
  • 艺术资讯
  • 2025年02月08日
  • 在我被枪击前,一直觉得自己只有一半的存在,相对全然的存在来说——我总怀疑我是在看电视,而非实实在在地生活。人们有时会说电影里发生的事情非比寻常,但事实上,不寻常的事只会在你的生活中发生。电影里的情感看上去是那么强烈而真实,而生活中,假如真有什么大事发生,那感觉就像在看电视剧——你什么也感觉不到。 从我被枪击的那一刻到现在,我一直觉得我是在看电视。台换了,但现实于我仍然像是电视世界。当你确确实实



从我被枪击的那一刻到现在,我一直觉得我是在看电视。台换了,但现实于我仍然像是电视世界。当你确确实实、不可阻挡地被卷入事件的中心时,你通常在想别的。在事情发生的过程中,你开始幻想别的事情。当我在某处醒来时——我当时没意识到是在医院,而鲍比·肯尼迪在我被枪击的第二天也遭到枪击——I heard the news of thousands of people praying continuously at St. Patrick's Cathedral, feeling a sense of wonder until the fleeting "Kennedy" three characters suddenly pulled me back to the TV world. I only then realized that I was lying in a hospital bed, writhing in pain.

Just like that, I got shot at my workplace - Andy Warhol Enterprises - during that period in 1968. At that time, Andy Warhol Enterprises had only a few people working for me in relatively conventional ways. There were also many so-called "freelancers" busy with our special projects and plenty of "superstars" and overactive "supernovas," whose fame didn't matter; I'm talking about those very talented kids but their talents are hard to define and almost impossible to enter the market with.

This is what made up the members of Andy Warhol Enterprises during my time in the hospital. Someone asked me a lot about how to run an office after my shooting incident. I explained it to him saying: "The office runs me." I used plenty of colloquialisms such as "bringing home bacon," which he couldn't understand at all.

Throughout my time in the hospital, it was these employees who did things for me. So I realized that even though I wasn't there, everything could still operate on its own accord. That realization led me to decide from then on that business is best art form.

Business Art follows Art closely behind it comes into being through doing commercial art (commercial artist) starting out as one hoping eventually end up as business artist (business artist). My career started out as an advertising artist hoping eventually become business artist after realizing value created by 'my' work/business/art entering realm of commerce becoming Business Artist/Artist Entrepreneur making most intriguing kind artistic enterprise running business effectively economic process & most interesting one too Just like said before Residuals often possess natural humor New York gives residents real incentive go after unwanted things not unthought-of things but truly unwanted ones because there are too many competing against you changing your taste expecting others don’t want something became sole hope getting anything Central Park gets covered by crowds waiting for sunny days But on rainy Sunday morning when no one wants or even thinks about going out this is when you can go stroll around enjoy streets all yours feels beautiful

In two areas i deviated from philosophy using residual material: (1) My pets; (2) My food

I know i should adopt pet from shelter but mine came bought naturally saw him fell love brought him home From this angle say emotional betrayed form In food area must admit i don’t eat leftovers Food biggest indulgence One area where let self spoiled because consciousness won’t allow waste any thing even if myself clearly doesn’t need As compensation pack leftovers bring office staff or street beggars Worked so spoiled leftovers usually fancy enough cat stylist’s house ate twice liver pate every week big chunk steak Often cook meat get ready collapse want original thing – bread & jelly Cook protein process make happy while true desire just sugar People expect princess dinner order cookie appetizer Can't take princess dinner order cookie appetizer Even if really want cookie People expect rich foods satisfy them they stop nagging If insist point cookie have explain why want it plus whole meal just eat pie This complicated So point small lamb instead forget what really wanted
