
  • 艺术资讯
  • 2025年03月07日
  • 宜兴紫砂,中华艺术宝库中的瑰宝。绞泥紫砂壶,又是瑰宝中的奇葩。"绞泥工艺"早已有之,如唐朝时的绞泥瓷枕。这是一项传统工艺。现在能做绞泥紫砂不难,而要做好却不轻易。这要求作者或设计者既要有扎实的传统基础,又要有很强的立异精神和艺术构思能力。绞泥既要有“光货”的功力,又要有“花货”的巧思。这是当今紫砂艺术中又一座高山。而只要是高山,就会有不畏艰难的登攀者。在这片红土地上





耐劳和天赋、好学和长进,是吴培林身上最基本素质。他从不为自己的茶壶销路看好,或是不满于别人说他茶壶做得好,或申明雀起而沾沾自喜。他只想在紫砂艺术的大道上上下求索。他经常扪心自问,这把茶壶之中,有哪一片泥是我自己的呢?他只想做那么多壶之中,有一把是自己的,或者有一片泥是我自己的。那片 mud里,可以有一份我的梦想。

文化绞 mud ——灵魂、神韵、精神

宜兴地处江南古城,人文景观、天然景观丰硕,这方面题材也丰硕。正如大家所说:只有民族的情感才是一个世界;只有地方的情感才是一个国际。而真正找到相适合于绞 mud 工艺表现的地理位置,并非易事。而 bind mud 中色块构图,也可以像西画一样效果。这当然是个智者见智,仁者见仁的事情。而概括与抽象,是 bind mud 构图最大特点。

宜兴古有十景之说,吴培林尝试着把宜兴十景作为自己 bind mud 创作的话题,并定名为“荆溪十景”。一个壶一个景,一系列作品,每个作品都是对那里的风物进行了精致细腻的手法表达。此刻,他将这些故事讲给我们听,让我们一起走进他的世界,让我们的眼前出现那些美丽的地方,那些充满生命力的形象。

探索现代创意——用 bind mud 讲述历史

Wu Peilin 在家如何烧 purple sand teapot?

Purple sand teapots, a treasure in the Chinese art world. The technique of "binding and twisting" has been around since the Tang Dynasty. It's not difficult to make a purple sand teapot today, but it's not easy to do well either. This requires both a solid foundation in traditional techniques and strong creative thinking. The binding process must be precise and intricate, with each piece of clay carefully selected for its color and texture.

Wu Peilin is one such artist who has mastered this ancient craft. Born and raised in Yixing, he grew up surrounded by pottery kilns and learned from his father at a young age how to shape clay into beautiful vessels. He studied ceramics formally later on but never lost sight of his roots or the traditions that shaped him.

His passion for purple sand teapots is evident in every detail of his work: from the way he selects the right type of clay to create different textures, colors, patterns or even shapes; to how he binds them together using just the right amount pressure so they don't crack during firing; all these steps require patience, skillful hands as well as an understanding deep knowledge about what makes good artwork.

One day while experimenting with different ways to create patterns on his bindings (or knots), Wu Peilin had an epiphany - why not use these unique patterns themselves as subjects? So began his "Hanging Gardens Series," where each piece features delicate floral motifs intertwined within intricate knotwork designs made from twisted strands of purple clay.

For example: "The Hanging Garden", which depicts lush greenery cascading down walls like vines; or "Floral Knots," where tiny flowers bloom amidst interwoven loops resembling Japanese knotweed branches (a symbol for longevity). These works showcase Wu's ability transform ordinary objects into extraordinary masterpieces imbued with meaning through their design choices alone – no additional decorations needed!

As you gaze upon these stunning creations crafted under fire-bathed conditions that have been passed down generations before him – can you imagine being part owner now? Well then let us take another step closer & feel our fingers dance across those ridges & crevices while imagining we are sitting sipping tea within some grand mansion somewhere else...
