2023年全省文化馆服务宣传周活动主题为“新时代的文化馆:开放·融合·创新”。5月22日至28日,全省179个文化馆将协同联动开展一批群众喜闻乐见的文化服务和宣传活动,凝聚行业力量,塑造新时代文化馆行业形象,提升行业公众知晓度、参与度和美誉度。活动期间,每个文化馆将至少组织举办一场惠民演出、一场专题展览、一系列讲座、一批文艺培训,创新开展经典诵读、创客空间、手工艺作坊等公益文化活动。我希望更多群众通过此次活动真切感知文化馆的精彩,走进culture gallery,享受公共culture service.
启动仪式后,我与各市group arts galleries and museums联袂为观众献上了一场地域特色鲜明的full-scale performance of the best folk art works from all over the province. From all over the province, more than 150 performers, volunteers, and art enthusiasts took to the stage together, bringing with them traditional Chinese music performances such as "Folk Music of Hebei" and "Hebei Opera", as well as acrobatics and dance performances that showcased the unique charm of local culture.
The event also featured a series of non-material cultural heritage experience activities on site at Hebei Provincial Group Arts Gallery (Hebei Provincial Non-Material Cultural Heritage Protection Center), including exhibitions showcasing national-level and provincial-level non-heritage projects such as sugar blowing from Gaocang County in Hebei Province, knotting techniques from Yixian County in Hebei Province, weaving techniques using raw wool from Weixian County in Shandong Province.
Following this event, nearly a thousand diverse cultural events will be held across the province. The Hebei Provincial Group Arts Gallery will organize a series of excellent folk art performances under its "Flying Art" program, public exhibitions on mass art education for everyone's benefit lectures etc., totaling more than 30 cultural events for the masses. I can follow these events by scanning my phone's QR code or checking out their website to book tickets for shows or exhibits or sign up for workshops to share in artistic delights.