
  • 艺术展览
  • 2024年11月08日
  • 作品名称:我只是不想停下来3 作品分类:摄影 创作年代:2017 作品尺寸:1920×1080cm 作品材质:多媒体视频 作品描述 本纪录片讲述的是一位本来拥有大好年华的年轻人叶俊良,在2016年6月的时候发现自己患上了综合型血管癌;面对癌症的他并没有选择放弃、也没有怨天尤人,而是坚持去做自己喜欢的事情——摩托车旅行;带着自己的信念以及对过世的朋友的承诺








本纪录片讲述的是一位本来拥有大好年华的年轻人叶俊良,在2016年6月的时候发现自己患上了综合型血管癌;面对癌症的他并没有选择放弃、也没有怨天尤人,而是坚持去做自己喜欢的事情——摩托车旅行;带着自己的信念以及对过世的朋友的承诺,骑着摩托车走一趟前往大理的旅程。尽管一路上困难重重,主人公依然不放弃,努力克服疾病的痛苦。在行程的第七天到达大理,完成了自己的梦想。Work explication:This documentary is about a young man who deserves to have a wonderful life but he havent,his name is JunLiang Ye.In June 2016,he was diagnosed with comprehensiveness hemangioma.However,he didnt give up or complaining.Conversely, he insisted on doing motorcycle travel which was he really enjoyed it! With his own belief and the promise to the past friend,JunLiang decided to ride a motorcycle to Dali as a trip.Although it was very hard all the way,he still didnt give up and try hard to conquer the pain of disease.On the seventh day of the trip,he arrived in Dali finally and finished his dream.


导师评语: 纪录片《我只是不想停下来》,导演选择通过拍摄一名得了癌症的消防员的生活状态,展现了主人公患癌症之后的内心转变及决定通过独自骑行大理的过程。通过全程的跟拍记录从各方面展现了主人公对于自由的向往,克服各种困难勇往直前的性格特征。影片拍摄内容完整,很好的展现了学生在大学四年里掌握的各种知识和技能。Tutor comments:The documentary I just dont want to stop.The director selected by shooting a fireman who had cancer,showing his inner had changed and decided to rode a motorcycle to Dali alone.Through the whole shooting record, we can see that the character loves freedom so much!Plus,he has some qualities like overcoming difficulties bravely and fearless.The contents of documentary are complete.It shows all kinds of knowledge and skills that the students have learned in the University for four years.

陈炫璋,2017年 / 广州美术学院 / 美术教育学院