Part 1:基本可以确定时间的展览和博览会
巴塞尔艺术展香港 坐标:香港会议展览中心 时间:5月25日 - 29日(开幕之夜:5月27日 14:00-20:00)
巴塞尔艺术展巴塞尔 坐标:瑞士巴塞尔 时间:6月16 - 19日(6月14日至15日为贵宾预展)
TEFAF 马斯特里赫特 坐标:荷兰马斯特里赫特会展中心 时间:6月25日 - 30日
北京当代·艺术博览会 坐标:北京 全国农业展览馆11号馆 时间:6月30日 - 7月3日
毕加索 安格尔面对面 坐标:英国伦敦 国家美术馆 时间:
Ruangrupa团队Photo: Gudskul / Jin Panji, 2019 TEFAF纽约 Photo:TEFAF New York/Anders Sune Berg
The AtriumArtistsProject at Dike Art Museum Timeframe from July onwards.
Weijia Solo Exhibition "Force" at Valley Gallery in Taipei Opening on July the tenth, this exhibition will showcase Weijia's latest works created over the past two years.
Yanchang Solo Exhibition at Chengdu K Space Opening on a date to be determined, this exhibition will display Yanchang's latest works created over the past two years.
Rashid Johnson Doublet Self Portrait (2008) Courtesy of the artist and Hauser Wirth Image Rashid Johnson courtesy of the artist and Hauser Wirth
Barbara Kruger Thinking of You I Mean Me I Mean You MoMA PS1 Timeframe from July sixteenth to January second twenty-three This exhibition is co-presented by MoMA PS1, The Art Institute of Chicago, and The Broad in Los Angeles.
Wang Yuping Artificial Moon Installation LED lights metal structure diameter four hundred centimeters ball Courtesy of the artist image provided by Wang Yuping