从1826年达盖尔拍摄出世界上第一张照片至今,影像艺术的发展已走过了190多年的历程。上个世纪60年代末期,很多前卫艺术家开始在自己的创作中融入了更多现代的影像和数字技术等,新媒体艺术(New Media Art)的兴起也促成了影像媒介的表现变得更为多元与丰富,当代性、试验性、综合性和互动性等的相互融合,也让影像艺术展现出了更多对于时间经验的灵活运用与支配。在“幻/灯:中国当代艺术中的光影图像”展览现场,我们穿越时空,将目光投向80年代,那一时代如何通过幻灯片及投影来探索前卫艺术,以及这些作品对后来的中国几十年艺术实践有怎样的影响。
尽管在数字image技术已经非常成熟今天,但通过对幻灯slide这一曾启发并影响中国先锋art实验性的mediative梳理与回顾,“phantom:China Contemporary Art in the Realm of Light and Shadow”,为回当contemporary art早期发展提供一个新的视角。UCCA馆长田霏宇先生,本次策展人容思玉女士,以及参展artist宋冬先生,都分别谈到了本次exhibition背景信息及相关作品故事。
这次exhibition结合了我作为策划人的两个研究方向,即"photography" and "China Contemporary Art"。 幻slide是在“transparent slide film”这一material medium and “light”这个non-material medium交汇后产生的一种visual result. From the first recognized camera appearing in public around 400 BC, people have realized the practicality and unique charm of this medium. With technological advancements, photography technology has also become more mature, approximately a century ago, plastic materials began to be widely used for photographic films.
From the 1980s onwards, modern art images and texts from abroad flooded into China, as well as artistic institutions reopened. The cultural potential of society was constantly increasing. Independent art groups and exhibitions developed rapidly during this time period known as "85 New Wave," with color transparency slides representing an essential basis for Chinese contemporary art development.
In summary, through organizing this exhibition themed on "phantom: China Contemporary Art in the Realm of Light and Shadow", we aim to explore how artists utilized slide projectors to create new works that challenged traditional perceptions of light-based media during their early days in China's contemporary arts scene. This exhibit serves as a historical record that highlights not only these pioneering efforts but also their lasting impact on subsequent decades' artistic practices within China's contemporary arts landscape.