
  • 艺术展览
  • 2024年11月08日
  • 作品名称:拙政园之游园惊梦2 作品分类:装置 创作年代:2017 作品尺寸:360×130×170cm×24 作品描述 风乍起,吹皱一池春水。闲引鸳鸯芳径里,手挪红杏蕊。江南水乡,最是纤细多情;而拙政园,更是网罗了多少让人笑叹痴怨的爱情传奇,它是苏州园林之美的集大成者,几百年来一直静静伫立在烟柳画桥,风帘翠幕的苏州城中。有太多清丽的爱情传奇在此发生,才子佳人,小姐书生,红尘轮转







风乍起,吹皱一池春水。闲引鸳鸯芳径里,手挪红杏蕊。江南水乡,最是纤细多情;而拙政园,更是网罗了多少让人笑叹痴怨的爱情传奇,它是苏州园林之美的集大成者,几百年来一直静静伫立在烟柳画桥,风帘翠幕的苏州城中。有太多清丽的爱情传奇在此发生,才子佳人,小姐书生,红尘轮转,一切缘起缘灭都落在纸上,成为后人心中的仰望,唯有当年的那座园林,立于风雨之中,如当年一样,沉默地旁观着世人的妄念痴嗔,我们从展示爱情的角度来展示一个不一样的拙政园。(请一并提供英文阐述)The work described: the first wind, blow a pond. I cited Yuanyang Fang Jing Li, hand move Hong rui. Jiangnan, is the most delicate and sentimental; Humble Administrators Garden is how much net makes people laugh sigh hate the legend of love, it is a master of the beauty of the garden into Suzhou, hundreds of years have been quietly standing in the smoke Willow Bridge painting, curtains green in Suzhou city. There are too many beautiful legends of love in this place, Miss World scholar, gifted scholars and beautiful ladies, round robin, all originated on paper, to become the hearts of the people, only the garden of the year, in the wind and rain, such as silence, watching the world have read silly anger, we love from the show the angle to show a different Humble Administrators Garden.


指导教师:张庆波 刘丰溢导师评语:空间装置艺术造型提取自拙政园中的春夏秋冬亭以及天泉亭,通过对其艺术加工,让一个个千百年前的唯美爱情故事在亭中再次上演,随着场景越来越小,越来越远,故事慢慢拉下帷幕,消逝在时光里。此生缘,镜花水月,都成空幻。场景中大量的白色,配合微黄的暖光,打造出爱情中意乱情迷的氛围,通过与装置,架空的展架,镜子中的倒影结合,让人产生朦胧好似在梦中,身处空中楼阁,沉溺在爱情中的感受。运用当代艺术语言,传达中国文化中所蕴藏的东方意境。(请一并提供英文评语)Mentor comments: space device art extracted from Humble Administrators Garden in the spring and autumn and winter spring Pavilion and the pavilion, through the art processing, let a thousands of years ago beautiful love story staged again in the booth, the scene is more and more small, more and more far, the story slowly pull down the curtain, dies in the time. This is a fate, a mirage and insubstantial objects. A lot of white in the scene with the micro warm light yellow, create love Italy yiluanqingmi atmosphere, with the device, the overhead rack, combined with reflection in a mirror, let a person produce hazy like in a dream, in the castles in the air of infatuation, feeling. Use the contemporary art language to convey the oriental artistic conce

宫姝琪,2017年 / 鲁迅美术学院 / 视觉传达设计学院